Monday, October 17, 2011

Translation Issues

As I am reading this, I am overwhelmed by how insane it is that people read the words in the bible and try to live their life by them. The reason for this is that this isn't really even the bible. These words are just translations into a language that we can understand. The old testament is written in mostly hebrew and a  little bit of aramaic. The new testament is written in greek. How easy would it have been for these translators to put their own personal agenda into the translation? Maybe it would have been hard, I don't know. I just think its a valid question. Plus, it is difficult to truly translate any language into another.  Every word in english doesn't have a perfect equivalent in every language. I assume this is true with hebrew, aramaic, and greek, but alas, I am not a language scholar. I'm just trying to get the juices flowing in your/my brain for questioning and creativity.

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