Monday, October 17, 2011

Genesis 4

Now this is the story of Cain and Abel. Most people look at this story as one that highlights the reason that jealousy is bad. I've got two things to say about this before I even start reading.
1.) Jealousy is a sin, yet God is a jealous God? That seems kind of hypocritical.
2.) God caused the whole debacle between Cain and Able. If He would never have shown favor to one of the boys over the other, then Cain never would have killed able and they would have been a happy family. It was silly for god to expect them to bring the exact same portions of their respective goods. So inevitably God would have chosen to show favor to one of the brothers over the other no matter how close in quality they were. But apparently choosing one brother over the other is the best way that God could figure out to show how bad jealousy is.
Okay, now that I'm reading the scripture, I was wrong. Apparently abel brought the right amount of the best quality of his goods to god and cain did not.
I wonder why God carried on this whole dialogue with cain. I mean god knows everything so he clearly knew where abel was when he asked cain, or better yet, god could have prevented abel's death by stopping cain. It seems like a pretty shitty reward that god gave abel for doing what he was supposed to. This is especially true when abel's death is a direct result of god's choice to show favor to one and deliberately not show favor to the other. That is basic parenting knowledge, you can't show favor to one child and not the other, it causes problems. Seems to me that the ultimate parent (god) would know this.
So Cain's punishment is for god to keep people from killing him and he gets to be out of the presence of the god that indirectly caused and allowed his brother's death? That doesn't sound too bad to me. It seems pretty freaking backwards to essentially allow the good kid to die and be murdered and then save the bad kid receiving the same fate that he gave his brother
So what happens is that god allows the good kid to be killed and then sends the bad one off to repopulate the world...real smart.
Apparently god doesn't reside in the place called Enoch? How is that so when he is omnipresent? Interesting...

Genesis 3

It looks like we don't have to watch the movie The Invention of Lying because we just found out. The serpent created lying in the third chapter of Genesis when he was convincing Eve to eat from the tree. It did not take much to convince Eve that God was wrong when he told her not to eat from the tree, I'm just saying. Adam didn't either. He just watches Eve eat from it without trying to talk some sense into her and then when she tells him to eat some too, he was a little bitch and did what he was told. That should say something about the power that women have over men...even when GOD tells you not to do something, if your woman tells you to do that exact same thing, you do it immediately. This is interesting because I'm pretty sure that God is supposed to be the creator of the heavens and the earth....what an idiot. This should say something about the stupidity of the human race. Even the very first members of it, the ones that populated this rock, couldn't follow one direction.
Eating this one piece of fruit fucked things up for all of us because by eating this fruit, they realized they were actually naked....WTF??
Aside: I wonder if the tree of the knowledge of good and evil actually held the knowledge of good and evil? If this is so, then there were no morals before they ate that fruit. That's the reason that its ok for them to walk around naked. Before this, nudity was ok. This is what gave nudity its wrongness. I wonder if they were covered from head to toe after they realized nudity was wrong. I say this because in different cultures and different parts of the world, different things qualify to be covered up. In africa, there are ladies walking around with their tits all out all the time. So it seems like adam and eve would have to cover themselves almost entirely to compensate for that fact.

If this tree holds knowledge, then why would God want to deprive these humans that he created from it? It would seem that if you were going to create a conscious being and give that being the ability to think freely, it would be cruel to deprive him of any knowledge. Maybe it was for a good reason…I don’t know.
Immediately, the humans start blaming other people/serpents for their fuck-ups…typical humans.
The two punishments god gave women seem a little outdated…1.) Pains during childbirth. Well, we nipped that in the bud with the advent of anesthesia. 2.) The insubordination of women below men. The nineteenth amendment and women’s rights activists have pretty much knocked that one into ineffectiveness too.
Adam’s punishment indicates farming for the earliest humans. The earliest humans were documented hunter gatherers. Farming is a relatively new thing.

Translation Issues

As I am reading this, I am overwhelmed by how insane it is that people read the words in the bible and try to live their life by them. The reason for this is that this isn't really even the bible. These words are just translations into a language that we can understand. The old testament is written in mostly hebrew and a  little bit of aramaic. The new testament is written in greek. How easy would it have been for these translators to put their own personal agenda into the translation? Maybe it would have been hard, I don't know. I just think its a valid question. Plus, it is difficult to truly translate any language into another.  Every word in english doesn't have a perfect equivalent in every language. I assume this is true with hebrew, aramaic, and greek, but alas, I am not a language scholar. I'm just trying to get the juices flowing in your/my brain for questioning and creativity.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Genesis 2

It's a strange thing that god got tired from creating a tiny little planet like earth and had to actually take a day off, and apparently that day was important enough to mention in the holy and perfect bible. It seems to me that a god wouldn't have the ability to get tired.
It shocks me that the term "helper" is still being used in the bible in reference to women. I don't know why those girls would beat em up. It doesn't even mention the very important fact that we as a race need women to procreate...that is a pretty interesting thing.

Genesis 1:9-31

Its cool to think about god just moving the water into one place. I guess he had to pull the ground to him or maybe somehow make the hard ground/earth expand so as to compensate for the water being piled on top of itself. The water had to have been bulging out from the earth, assuming that the earth was pretty much spherical when it was "formless" in the last post.
It is weird to see that god deliberately instructed the land to produce food. This is strange because humans were documented to be hunter gatherer's before they learned how to grow their own food and eventually settle down into townships and what not.
In verse 14, god put time into place. I guess he did this for the human's benefit? Apparently god put the stars in the sky for the sole reason of helping the humans distinguish light from dark. I don't know why there had to be light and dark. I don't know why god decided that vision was the best way for humans to experience the world. This is surprising because I know how flawed vision really is and how much different things really are....crazy stuff. Try a vision test on youtube.
In verse 20, god let the water teem with living creatures. Maybe this refers to our micro-bacterial phase in the evolutionary chain. Verse 26 keeps saying that he is going to create man in "our" image. Who is the other besides god? Are there really multiple gods that are just like the main god. I think the reasonable guess would be the angels...but i don't know about that.
That's it for the actual biblical commentary. I just want to say that no one should be offended by my doing this blog. I just think it is interesting and it's different. I think something good will come of it eventually. Thanks to my readers. Y'all rock! War Damn Eagle!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Genesis 1:1-8

“In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.” Was the rest of the universe separated from the earth for a reason here? For our benefit because earth is the planet we happen to be inhabiting or who happens to be reading this peace of literature?  Is earth being used as a metaphor for the universe and the heavens a metaphor for the spirit world? Is the spirit world all around us right now and we just aren’t equipped with the correct senses to be able to experience it? Maybe that is what happens when we die, the bodily five senses die and go away and our spirit is equipped with the senses needed to experience the spirit world. The next part talks about how the earth was “formless” but the goes on to describe the water on the surface of the earth as being dark and the spirit of god hovering over that water.  Now if there was water on the surface, then it seems like there must be a form to it which would contradict the former part of the paragraph. These seems like a descriptive inconsistency which “god” would never do because he/she is perfect. How can we (humans) be created in the likeness of god when he doesn’t have a form? He is a spirit I think. That’s the only way he could be in all places at one time (omnipresent). So that seems strange. God says let there be light and he saw that it was good….so he spoke it into being without knowing what it was going to be like? How could he know to speak it into being if that’s the case? Did his friend tell him? This is a little wacky.