“In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.” Was the rest of the universe separated from the earth for a reason here? For our benefit because earth is the planet we happen to be inhabiting or who happens to be reading this peace of literature? Is earth being used as a metaphor for the universe and the heavens a metaphor for the spirit world? Is the spirit world all around us right now and we just aren’t equipped with the correct senses to be able to experience it? Maybe that is what happens when we die, the bodily five senses die and go away and our spirit is equipped with the senses needed to experience the spirit world. The next part talks about how the earth was “formless” but the goes on to describe the water on the surface of the earth as being dark and the spirit of god hovering over that water. Now if there was water on the surface, then it seems like there must be a form to it which would contradict the former part of the paragraph. These seems like a descriptive inconsistency which “god” would never do because he/she is perfect. How can we (humans) be created in the likeness of god when he doesn’t have a form? He is a spirit I think. That’s the only way he could be in all places at one time (omnipresent). So that seems strange. God says let there be light and he saw that it was good….so he spoke it into being without knowing what it was going to be like? How could he know to speak it into being if that’s the case? Did his friend tell him? This is a little wacky.
My goal with this blog is to offer a new perspective on the bible. To do this, I am going to get high and read the old testament and comment on what I read. I am literally writing exactly what I think and then posting it while I am high. So this means no proofreading or anything of that sort. My other blog (http://parallelbiblicaldiscussion.blogspot.com/) is my sober commentary on the high post. In this blog, I'll just develop some of the ideas that I came up with in this blog.
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